First let’s start this off with a couple of questions to see if this article is going to be useful to you…
Are you the owner of, or are you involved (a partner) in a business?
Do you manage (or have you set up) your business website and social profiles?
If you answered yes to these questions, then this article is definitely for you, so let’s get down to the crunch…
It’s surprising to see that many business owners are still coming to grips with the idea of promoting their business via social sites like Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. There seems to be some resistance to the idea of using these platforms, it’s seen by some as being only for the hip, young, trendy generation of today and a complete waste of time and resources for any serious business owner, right…?
In reality, you couldn’t be further from the truth, and here’s why…
1) Social Media Isn’t Going Away Any Time Soon
Let’s make this clear – social media is not a fad and it isn’t going anywhere soon – since the launch of Facebook in 2004, the use of the internet was forever changed. Today everyone is familiar with the beast that Facebook has become, with over 32 million registered users here in the U.K. on Facebook alone, over 70% of which are checking in daily. That’s over 22 million people who wake up every day and actively scroll through their news feeds to see what’s happening in the world around them.
2) It’s Not Just For The Younger Generation
Once upon a time this might have been the case, but for a while the fastest growing age group of users on the internet has been the “silver surfer”. Currently over 8 million out of the 32 million Facebook users are made up from the 50+ age group, the slight majority of whom are female. That’s 25% of the social audience, so how anyone can argue it’s only a game for young people, is either uninformed or perhaps just beyond reason. It seems these days that everyone from your mum, dad, nan and granddad are getting in on the action. So if you haven’t already, get on-board!
3) Social Media Is Where You Can Reach your Audience
People are spending more and more of their day scrolling down their news feeds. We see it all the time, at work, on public transport, in restaurants, on holiday, it’s everywhere! The average user now spends a terrifying 5 years and 4 months of their life on social media sites. To put this in context for you, it’s more time than we spend eating and drinking or even socialising in person with friends and family.
It simply can’t be ignored by any business. If you want to get through to your target audience and be seen and taken seriously by them, you have to meet them where they spend their time. Get seen where they’re already looking!
4) It’s The New “Word Of Mouth”
Social has forever changed the way we spread word of mouth about businesses, products and services that we take an interest in. People use social media to request recommendations from their friends, or to express their satisfaction with a new product they recently purchased, or even the friendliness of the staff who helped them. So if you’re not taking advantage of this, you need to ask yourself why?
5) Don’t Be Afraid Of Bad Press
I hear some business owners say they are worried about getting negative reviews because people are unreasonable… I disagree, in general people don’t waste time posting negative reviews unless they have a reason to do so, and if they do then it gives you the ideal opportunity to demonstrate to the public that you care about your reputation by professionally dealing with and responding to the complaint, after all if they are complaining, they are reaching out to you to resolve something they’re not happy with. If it happens regularly, then it could be highlighting a problem within the business that needs your attention. Most people will look at the way the complaint has been handed before making their judgement about a company, so make sure you show them that you care!
6) It Could Be The Most Cost Effective Way To Market Your Business
Especially in the early days when cash-flow can be tight. Social media offers every business owner an opportunity that (in this day and age) you’ve really no excuse to ignore. It’s often a cheaper alternative to local publications, radio and TV advertising, and at its most basic level it only involves your time and consideration to start building a loyal base of followers for your business. If you don’t have the time to dedicate to it, then hire a professional to manage it all for you. We look after numerous social campaigns, that give our customers the confidence to know that their social marketing is in good hands, and if you can’t afford to hire a professional, then sign up at to follow our blog, for regular tips and advice on making the best out of your online presence.
Blue Moon offers cost effective social media management as part of our portfolio of marketing services. If you would like to find out more or know someone who might benefit from this service then get in touch or request a call back from us and we’ll do the rest.
Call 01392 580880 or email